Friday, December 19, 2008

Gator Babies

Gator Babies, originally uploaded by Frank Peters.

Shark Valley in the Everglades National Park is a neat place where you can walk along the trail and see dozens of gators lazing along side. We'd stopped to take a picture of one gator and noticed movement just beyond her in the grass and spotted these little fellows.

Eventually we noticed that there was another baby on the other side of the trail...and that we were standing right between it and its mother. At that point we got real nervous and decided to give the whole family its space.

A good start...

A good start..., originally uploaded by Frank Peters.

Dawn of the first day of our Christmas vacation. Our hotel in Ft. Lauderdale is right on Pompano beach.

The weather forecast calls for sunny and about 80 degrees...pretty miserable but I suppose we shall have to make do somehow.